Conversion of Mind and Heart - Kevin O'Brien's Recorded Courses at Homeschool Connections


Conversion of Mind and Heart

Conversion is at the center of Christ’s call to each of us.  It is a lifelong process that begins when we turn toward our Lord and away from sin, but it is an ongoing process, one that is renewed each day, and that requires a lifetime of humility and struggle.  And yet we hear very little about conversion in the modern Church, about repenting and seeking the grace of sanctification, of being made holy, of approaching perfection or “maturity in Christ”.  What is the essence of conversion and how can we live it out?  We will examine the literature of conversion in this class - using examples from Scripture (especially St. Paul), from Greek philosophy, from St. Augustine’s Confessions, as well as selections from Dante’s Divine Comedy, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by the Pearl Poet, along with more modern works on conversion, from GK Chesterton’s autobiography to Bl. John Henry Newman’s Sermons, to Orestes Brownson’s The Convert and more!